Dog Gone Smart Pet Products

Smart Dog Ranking #4

Smartest dog ranked 7-8

7. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is a breed of dog that was once used as a hunting dog in Canada.
Compared to the Golden Retriever, the Labrador Retriever has shorter hair and is a good swimmer.
It is also gentle and intelligent, so it is often used as a rescue dog or service dog. They’re quite popular in the United States,
where they’ve been ranked number one in the top dog breeds by the American Kennel Club.
The Labrador Retriever has a two-layered, short coat that tends to shed a lot, and they are voracious eaters, which can lead to weight gain.
They are very active and need plenty of walks and playtime.

8. papillon

The Papillon is a breed that was used in France to catch rats. Often there are individuals with folded ears, and these Papillons are called phalene.
They are easy to train as they perceive training as play. They are also intelligent and highly athletic,
which is why they are often featured in dog agility shows. They don’t like water and need to be rewarded when they are bathed.
However, they are not very obsessed with food and may require more than just food.


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