Dog Gone Smart Pet Products

Smart Dog Ranking #5

Smartest dog ranked 9-11

9. rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a breed that was used as a guard dog in the city of Rottweil, Germany.
They are classified as a vicious dog and are responsible for many human fatalities.
They need about two hours of walking and exercise a day and must be kept on a leash and muzzle when out for walks.
Rottweilers have a large build and high stamina, so if they suddenly get into trouble, humans can’t stop them. Therefore,
to own a Rottweiler, the owner must have experience and knowledge in large dog breeding,
and they must be thoroughly socialized and trained on a daily basis.

10. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed that was once used as a cattle herding dog in Australia.
They have great stamina and come in a variety of coat colors. 

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

This breed was used as a herding dog in Wales, England. They are characterized by their wide ears and short legs.
They are also popular for their loyalty and affection. They’re also smart and not difficult to train,
so they’re recommended for beginners. However, they shed a lot of hair and have a high obesity rate,
so you need to be careful with their diet. They need to be walked often and should be walked for about an hour or two a day.
They have a fearless nature and can jump on other dogs and animals when out for a walk, so you need to be careful with the leash. 

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

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